Friday, January 6, 2012

Labor & Week One Survival...

I went through so many emotions when the first, second, third pregnancy test read 'positive'....primarily excitement, but undoubtedly fear. I hadn't really prepared for this...and I prepare for almost everything. So, once our doctor confirmed the pregnancy I decided to turn it into my homework assignment...complete with an organized binder that read 'Baby Hine' (nope, not kidding). Everyday I would do research on what to expect during the pregnancy and labor. Yes, the What to Expect... book is great and full of information, but not near enough for me to feel prepared (by the way, you never feel prepared). So, I scoured the internet and asked every mother I knew about morning sickness, labor pain, epidurals, breast name it, I was conducting a survey. You can bet I was one of the best students pregnancy ever had. Labor, bring it on!

My contractions started Tuesday night, December 13th and early the next morning we decided it was time to head to the hospital. I felt pretty confident knowing I had at least done everything I could to educate myself on what was about to happen. The day passed so quickly and at 5:51 that evening our precious Lincoln graced us with his presence. We were very blessed to have such an extremely smooth delivery. I can't believe for seven months I had worried myself with all the worst case scenarios possible. All that worry was for nothing and after seeing his sweet face all I could think about was how ready I was to take him home and start our new life as a family.

Well, I thought I was ready. 

Once we were moved out of the delivery room, I realized in all my preparation for labor I forgot something major: what happens after delivery. As in, how do I take care of this sweet boy?? I knew the basics....feed him, change him, make sure he sleeps...but, is it really going to be that simple? I mean, if those girls on Teen Mom can do it, I can, right?
Once the nurses and our family left and we were alone for our first night I began to worry like crazy, searching every little thing on Google...the first 2am feeding he got the hiccups. I threw my pillow at Cameron, "Quick, get online and see what to do when he gets the hiccups!"...yep, I got the 'Are you kidding me' look for that one. Did you know when your baby gets the hiccups, you pretty much do absolutely nothing? Had no clue.
And that was just the beginning.
The first week home I felt like a zombie. Getting used to the sleep schedule (aka No Sleep), dealing with the difficulty of breastfeeding (which will require it's own blog, trust me), trouble shooting his cries (hot? cold? tired? hungry, again?!), trying to remember how to swaddle...not going to lie, it was hard. I have the most amazing, beautiful son in my arms, but what I looked forward to most was any sleep I could manage. Why did no one mention how the first days at home could be just as (if not more) mentally and physically exhausting as pregnancy and labor? I asked myself that question a hundred times.
I know now it's because it gets better and better each day. It has been a little over three weeks and everyday we discover something new about our Lincoln....noises that soothe him, how he loves tummy time, the best way to burp him (this is a big one!)...and everyday we feel more like a family. The entire process overall was wonderful, but from pregnancy and labor to the first week and a half it wasn't always fun. I know I could totally do it all again, though, for another little man (or woman) as perfect as he is :)

Lincoln Dean


  1. This is such a perfect and honest assessment of what it's like, Cait -- and yet it's touching and funny at the same time. I love it!

  2. That first picture with Shannon looking at you seeing Lincoln for the first time is priceless.
